Selfish Simpathy

Oroonoko: Or, The Royal Slave I am not a historian, but I do like good stories, especially true stories about the history of our world and its inhabitants. I may have some of the facts mixed up and for that, I ask forgiveness but have added a link for you to journey to if you want to know the better of the truth, as far as it is recorded. I find that it is useful to know a bit of the history of the time a non-fictional story is written. It gives us a peek into the lens the author was seeing her world through, and why she might have felt certain ways, or engaged in certain experiences while acting as a high-class woman of her time period. And as the daughter of the colony’s governor, high-class she was. When Aphra Behn published Oroonoko, the country of England was undergoing some major changes. During the time she was writing about her experience in Surinam, James II was losing power, Parliament was gaining it, and William of Orange was plottin...