Blind Science

God, Creator of All ... Even Science. Is Science A Replacement For or An Explanation About God? God wants to know and be known by His people. Would anyone who loves their children, when told their child is hungry, give them a stone and say, “Be filled?” Matthew 7:7-12 As the Father of all creation, He is wonderous enough to not only give us the vast universe to enjoy, but He might possibly also give us the means to dissect, study, and build upon its foundations. Every person has an inner pursuit of truth, yet, how to search for and find truth varies differently in times and between cultures. Even more diverse are the means people discover their ‘truths’. Is truth relative, varying from person to person? And what is the standard to which we should base truth? John Bunyan wrote The Pilgrim’s Progress during his 12 years in Prison. His crime? Preaching the Word of God. Despite Bunyan’s caution of never taking a political position, those in po...