Many Are Called ...

 Few Are Chosen

Revelations 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

Birth Pangs
     When we read the word "and" it is always preceded by information or action that coincides with what comes after. When reading the scripture above, we should be curious about who they and him are and what is happening that needs to be overcome? How will they overcome him? We then see 'and' two more times indicating that the blood of the Lamb, the Word of their testimony;  and not loving their lives unto death can only happen when all three things are combined. To break it down - they, are followers of Jesus; him, is the enemy of mankind; the Lamb, is Jesus. Revelations chapter 12 tells about the end times and gives a glimpse of what God's people will have to do to stand against the attacks of the enemy. How do they gain the victory? By faith in Jesus, the testimony of what He has done in, for, and through their lives, and the willingness to stand with Him no matter the cost. This is who the Jewish people were waiting for, a Messiah, a Savior who would come and free them from Roman occupation and be their new king.  

Jenkins (Left) 
Johnathan Roumie (Right)
     God does send the messiah, but not in the form of a mighty warrior king like they expected. Instead, He humbles Himself in human form as a baby born in a manger to a carpenter and his espoused wife, Mary. They call the baby, Emmanuel, meaning "God with us."  Most people know this story as they have heard it at least once a year on Christmas morning since childhood. If you do not know what I am talking about, you can watch the Christmas story from the viewpoint of a shepherd here. Portraying the earthly life of Jesus, those of his disciples, and the people Jesus encounters, is why Dallas Jenkins, a Bible-believing, evangelical Christian, created The Chosen,the first multi-season series about the life of Christ. One amazing aspect of this series is that it is completely crowdfunded by over 15,000 investors (some sources say 19,000) who raised over $10 million for the show to get created. This is the largest crowdfunding campaign ever,  beating Mystery Science Theater 3000 by nearly double. 

Non-conventional marriage
of scripture and artistic license.

 Paras Patel as Mathew (center)
 Characters talking in Biblical vernacular have permeated the screen in movies past. The opening scroll of The Chosen says it is "based on the true stories of the gospels of Jesus Christ. Some locations and timelines have been combined or condensed and backstories and some characters or dialogue have been added. However, all biblical and historical context and any artistic imagination are designed to support the truth and intention of the Scriptures." This allows the authors freedom to explore the character's backstories, giving them more depth, heartfelt emotions, and authentic human qualities than viewers may have encountered in previous Biblical reenactments. 

Elizabeth Tabish as
Mary Magdalene
"I have no interest in changing anything from Scripture," Jenkins told Crosswalk during an interview. "We are adding cultural and historical context, we are adding some artistic imagination to these stories. This is not Scripture, and we are not adding to Scripture." Instead of seeming as if the characters are thousands of years out of reach, this creativity gives viewers the freedom to make personal connections with the characters in the stories. It gives them more of a believability that other interpretations perhaps lack. From Episode 1 I found myself in tears when Jesus sets Mary Magdelene or "Lillith" as she calls herself, free from the demons that have plagued her for years. First, He came to her, not the other way around. Then, He used something that was already personal to her (the scripture that her father quoted with her as a child to chase her nightmares away.) to grab her attention. When He gets to the words, "Fear not for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, You are Mine," He looks as if looking into her, not just at her, and calls her by her given name, "Mary." At that point, she is freed from the bonds of her captivity. Scripture doesn't tell us about Mary's childhood, but it does show us how personable Jesus was to those He encountered. So this part of her story brings Mary to life for us and helps us see Jesus from a more intimate point of view. 

Relatability of Characters

Stephen Hailo as the Leper
The Chosen
gives us a glimpse of the lives the apostles lead before Jesus called them to follow Him. Within each disciple, viewers are going to be able to see themselves in at least one, if not several of them. As we watch their interactions, we can identify with their hurts, their struggles, and even their flaws. The goal is, that if we recognize their pain, hopefully, we can embrace the One who healed them. Simon Peter is a firey, in debt fisherman whose wife longs for him to be the godly man she first married. The leper, despised by all longing for a gentle touch, the woman at the well just wanting to be accepted, Mary (the mother of Jesus) learning her role in God's plan, the lame man lowered through the roof to obtain his healing, Nicodemus questioning religious tradition while searching for truth, are all examples of these encounters. Each episode is filled with experiences of people living their lives, good or bad, and how after Jesus enters they are eternally changed. 

Jesus - Both God and Man

Amber Shana Williams
as Tamar
Most people are familiar with Jesus as the Son of God, equal to God in all things, God in the flesh, Savior of the world, commander of the host of the angel armies, creator of Heaven and Earth. How many are familiar with Him as the son of Mary raised by Joseph the carpenter, religious rebel, teacher to those who have ears to hear, and friend to the brokenhearted? Early in the series, Jesus speaks Egyptian to a woman from Egypt, surprising His disciples. He turns to them and explains, "I grew up in Egypt!" Which is true. After Mary and Joseph left Bethlehem, they were warned in a dream not to return home, so they went to Egypt until God told them they could return. It only makes sense that Jesus would speak a language other than Hebrew, only most of us have never stopped to consider that before. The disciples are in awe at how their teacher laughed and danced at a wedding; He jokes with Simon Peter about his anger and inability to dance, and chooses the strangest people to follow His guidance, including Mathew, a tax collector. All that, and He teaches the scriptures as One who has personal knowledge of God Himself. 

For many, knowing Jesus as the Son of God is easier than knowing Him as man. For it is acceptable for God to be perfect, but for a man to live a sinless life is incomprehensible. With Jesus, people are forced to look upon a face and admit the realness of someone who had always been a dream. The scripture, Hebrews 11:1, "Now faith it the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen," could be looked at like this - Now, Jesus is the substance (flesh and blood) of things hoped for (the Messiah,) the evidence of things not seen (an invisible God.) Then we are to ask ourselves, does God laugh? Does God cry? Does He dance, eat, sing, hug, and breathe? Does He welcome the children, the poor, the blind, the broken into His arms? Does God really LOVE His people? When we watch the character's encounters with Jesus, the answer we conclude is emphatically, Yes!


Capernaum Village
Weatherford, Texas
How does a director persuade their audience to believe as if they are watching a scene that if cameras had been invented, could have been filmed over 2,000 years ago? What do you do after you create a stellar idea for a new series? You find the perfect setting. Without going to Israel, (remember, they are on a serious budget,) you go to - Texas? Series 1 of 
The Chosen is filmed in the Capernaum Village in Weatherford, Texas and Season 2 will be filmed in Utah's version of ancient Israel in Goshen, Utah County where the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have built a replica Jerusalem movie set.  

The miracle of the fish
Next, you want to find an excellent cast and crew. Hollywood hasn't been kind to Biblical movies as they change the stories to the degree where God ends up being an evil entity who is puppeted by His priests, or His followers are portrayed as little more than genius madmen bent on wiping mankind off of the earth forever- (have you seen Noah with Russell Crowe?) So, now that the set, cast, crew, music, costumes, script, sound effects, visual effects, makeup artists, and cinematographers are all in place, just in case we have forgotten we are in the 21st Century, we cannot forget the special effects team. No, there are no explosions, space invaders, or creepy monsters in this story, but why not use the technology that is available to make the scenes more realistic? Watch the video below to show the miracle of the fish, not only the Biblical reenactment of it for the scene but how God gave Jenkins and his crew a real-life miracle concerning these same fish. 

The Gutenberg Bible
The Gutenberg Bible was the first thing printed on the printing press, and thousands of books, newspapers, magazines, and novels have been written since. The press made it easier for the spreading of the gospel as missionaries have been able to bring the Bible translated into many languages to people around the world by many groups such as
Wycliffe. In some places the Bible is illegal and a believer can get tortured or killed if found with even a ripped-up page of the Bible in their possession. Groups like Voice of the Martyrs help the persecuted Christians secretly receive Bibles in these nations. In the 21st Century, Christians are still being imprisoned for their faith, businesses are sued for not complying to cancel culture ideologies, and many are tortured for the simple act of conversion. Yet, despite the persecution, countless numbers of people follow a calling to spread their faith. The technological advancement has spread to lengths that would make John Bunyan's head spin with a plethora of blogs, social media platforms, and streaming services at our fingertips. I can only imagine what he would have been able to accomplish with his book had he been alive today! You can read an online version of Pilgrim's Progress here. 

My Personal Opinion on The Chosen:

Simon Peter on the 
Season 1 cover
The Chosen
is fascinating. I had heard about it from a friend and actually put off watching it for several months because I was not in the mood to watch another Bible movie. After a while, they all start feeling the same, you know?  If you have seen one in their respective genre, you have seen them all. The Passion of the Christ was one great movie that moved me, and it only focused on the last days before Jesus's crucifixion. Still, I could not bring myself to watch the series. It was like I had an inner voice just not wanting to get let down by another cheesy show about my beloved Jesus. My husband watched The Chosen on his phone every night for a week and loved it. My friend was relentless about the series and finally, she showed up at church one Sunday and handed me a gift, the entire first season on DVD. (You can watch the entire series for free here.) That afternoon, I went home and watched the first show. What happened next is difficult to describe. I have read about Mary Magdelene, Nicodemus, and Jesus since I was 12 years old. I had never, in my mind's eye imagined them like ... this. 

When I was watching Mary being tormented by the demons, my stomach turned because I have felt trapped in a situation like hers, where no matter how hard I tried, I was not in control. Even others who were well-wishers who thought they had the answers gave me no solace. I have turned to substances to try to forget my problems. I have isolated and felt alone on a crowded street. And like Mary, I have stood at the edge of a cliff contemplating why I was still alive.
Erick Avari as Nicodemus
The connections did not stop with her. I have been Mathew, different from everyone else around me. Rejected by others for being the best at who I was even when nobody else could understand. I have been rejected by people who I deeply care about, seen the works of Jesus from afar, and long to be a part of Him. I have been Nicodemus. I was saved at 12 years old at a church with my Aunt and Uncle. At first I was excited and happy to be a Christian, and even daydreamed of being like Mary the mother of Jesus and hoped for angelic visitations like she got. And though God continually loved me, slowly, I allowed the temptations of life to draw me away from my first love. I still attended church, I still prayed, and yet, I knew there was something missing. Something - more. I remember saying to God during this time, "If this is all there is if this all you are, then I'm out!" Like Mathew, I was more accepted by those outside of the church than I was by those In the church. Like Nicodemus, I began to search for Jesus. I would talk to others, I would question traditions, I yearned to know Him. How many times did I come "so close" to accepting His unconditional love, believing in Him, only to turn away one more time?  

Samaritan Woman at the well
played by Vanessa DeSilvio
I have been the Samaritan woman at the well. Rejected by other women, having to go to the well during the heat of the day, so I could avoid the looks, the sneers, the ridicule. I have longed to be seen, to be treated as a person, seen for who I am, not what I do, or what I have done. And like that woman, Jesus made a special trip just for me. He sought me out and waited where He knew I would come. He revealed to me that nothing is done in secret, and told me that I was never alone. Through all of my mistakes, He was with me and reminded me that it was only He who could set me free. And like that woman, I was forgiven, renewed, and set free.  

Cesaria and Phillipi
I have been to Israel and walked under the city of Jerusalem. I have swum in the Dead Sea and played on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. I have prayed at the Wailing Wall, saw where the pigs who left the Demoniac drowned themselves in the water. When I went to Cesaria and Phillipi where Jesus asked His disciples "Who does man say that I am?," it was there that I truly realized I was standing in a place that actually existed. I had read so many stories, and even though I had believed in the geographical existence of Israel, I did not understand the spiritual significance of her, until that moment when I was there myself, staring into the cave called 'The mouth of hell' that I knew that my hopes were truly real. That Jesus had existed, and that I had not been believing in a ghost or an ideal. I was 29.  I returned home from that trip to face the hardest challenge of my life, an acoustic neuroma brain tumor, which I recovered from - but that story is for another time. 

You see, The Chosen, in a way, is doing for me now what that trip to Israel did for me then. The series is helping the Bible story characters become real for me, and not remain characters in a book.  I can see myself in Thomas, who needed proof. I can see myself in Peter, rejected and overlooked by religious people, and turning to work/school to verify my usefulness - and periodically, even failing at that. I can see myself in his wife, yearning for my husband to love the Lord, and being so very proud of him when he does! I am not watching a series of other people and their encounters with Jesus. I am watching My life, and how He chose ME. I am God's chosen. He loves me and has changed me. All I know is that I was one way, and now I am another, and the thing that happened in between was Him. Isn't that supposed to be the way it is? 

The Chosen is not a replacement for scripture, but it is a tool to draw viewers in and entice them to read the Bible to see more about who Jesus is, read what He has done for others, and test and see if He will do the same for them. I pray that you will be inspired and watch it too. Click the link to start your journey and become - The Chosen  

The Miracle of the Fish for Simon Peter and Dallas Jenkins

                                           Dallas Jenkins explains their fish moment miracle.

   And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.   (John 21:25) 

Works Cited

 Byrd, Chris. Critics may like 'Chosen,' but its makers' artistic license up for renewal. 30 June 2020. 8 November 2020. <>.

Darby, John. Revelation 12 Bible Commentary. 2020. 10 November 2020. https://www.biblestudytools. com/commentaries/john-darbys-synopsis-of-the-new-testament/revelation/revelation-12.html

Foust, Michael. 4 Things You Should Know about The Chosen of YouTube. 22 April 2020. 10 November 2020. <>.

Merrick, James. 'The Chosen' is a New and Promising TV Series on the Life Christ. 9 April 2020. 8 November 2020. <>.

statistics, Revision history. Dallas Jenkins. Vers. 982339803. 7 October 2020. 10 November 2020. <>.

"The Chosen Pilot Episode - TTW." YouTube, uploaded by #BingeJesus, 1 December 2017, watch?v=lVt14Ug-GOs&

 "The Miracle of the Fish (scene from The Chosen." YouTube, uploaded by #BingeJesus, 2 December                2019,

"The Miracle of the Miracle of the Fish." YouTube, uploaded by #BingeJesus, 14 April  2020,


  1. A superb review of a series I have enjoyed so far. I am a person who notes details especially when they’re wrong. TV is not history. And like anything even remotely connected to Hollywood and history this is far from perfect. But while I note errors in dress and such I cannot see the errors in scripture. This is a splendid show and a review that should be brought to the attention of the Chosen producers.

    1. Yes, I agree with you that the aesthetics are not perfect, but I keep reminding myself that the budget they have to work with is not very large compared to Hollywood madness, and I think you would agree with me that even when Hollywood's budget is out the roof, the costume have falcies. The stories are not so off as I have seen where directors have tried to insinuate that Jesus and Mary Magdelene had a secret love affair going on. While the scene is touching, and I can see the love that Jesus has for her, I see it no differently than the love He shows toward the leper. As for her love for Him, it is out of devotion towards the one who set her free.
      I am touched that you suggest I show the producers this post. Perhaps, If I figure out how, I will.

  2. I haven’t heard of this series, but I can’t wait to check it out! I need all the reminders I can get that I am not alone and that Jesus has been meeting people where they are since he first started calling people! I get excited that more films are being made to represent and draw people into the story of Jesus! Great article!

    1. My dear friend, I do not know who you are, but Jesus does! You are never alone! His Word tells us that Jesus is a friend who sticks closer than a brother, and that He will Never leave us or forsake us. We are also told that before God formed us in our mother's womb, He knew us! Especially during this time of quarantining, where we are being told to distance from each other, I can understand how feelings of isolation are running rampant. There is nowhere we can go that Jesus is not by our side. At church today we were reminded that when are born again, Holy Spirit lives INSIDE of us! How much closer than He get? I pray that the Prince of Peace comforts you and reminds you that His presence is always with you. And if God be for you, who can be against you?

  3. Beth Bryant

    Excellent blog! I have never seen "The Chosen" and now can hardly wait to watch it!
    To me all this culminates in the fact that we serve a very personal God! A Savior who is always with us, for us, and intamently acquainted with every moment of our lives. He never leaves us or forsaken us! He is our firm foundation and the our true joy!!! How I love Him!!!!

    1. Yes Beth, He is a personal God. I like how you point out that He is intimately acquainted with us. He knows every detail, good and bad, and yet He has chosen us despite it all. The Joy of the Lord is our strength for sure. I hope you enjoy the series.

  4. What a great commentary on this series The Chosen. I am inspired by your story and how you use this series to amplify it. I look forward to watching the series.

  5. Thank you Chris. We all have a story, only there are not many places for us to tell it. While watching this series, I just couldn't help but see myself on the screen. I hope you are able to connect with the characters, grow closer to Jesus, and find ways to share your story too.

  6. Great description of the series!! I also found myself connecting to the characters more so than any other Bible movie I've seen! Granted, I've only seen the 1st 2 episodes so far, and I'm longing to watch more! Whenever I watch a "bible based film," I always have skepticism of how producers go about presenting the gospel story. The Chosen was no exception. I started watching with that same skepticism. By the end of the first episode, I realized the story was becoming more personal to me! I saw myself in some of the characters and resonated with their struggles, questions, or search for clarity! To see how Jesus meets us where we are and invites us to something greater (his kingdom) is the perfect expression that WE are also The Chosen!

    1. It is a shame that when something has "Christian" attached to it is entertainment, it Usually means that it is low budget, with possible poor acting, OR it is completely ruined and taken out of context. I love the trend for better music, movies, and literature that is being created. I am so glad that you have already begun to relate in a personal manner to the series, and I hope it continues to help draw you closer to our loving Savior. And YES!!! You ARE His Chosen one!!!!


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