Stephanie Hagwood's View on Gifted Programs

I asked a Montessori educator, Stephanie Hagwood, what her opinion about gifted classes is. While she would prefer that all students could get the specialized instruction and smaller classes offered, she also understands that there are limitations school systems are working with. She points out that students are all at different "levels" and should be granted the education that is best suited for each students' needs, and that by taking away the gifted programs the students' individual needs are being not only overlooked but disregarded. If you want to read the rest of her thoughts, check it out in the comments under the post "Is this the Slow Death of Gifted and Honors Classes in Education?" below. 

"These actions also completely disregard the need for more individualized education curriculums in all classrooms... ex IEP's and the MANY different approaches to education we know can benefit children on the spectrum that is expanding every day. And yet this is going to create an even bigger gap between teachers & students by confining them ALL to overfilled sterile, rigid classrooms? These gifted classes may not be my own personal "cup of tea" but at least they tend to be more modified in #'s and seem to cater to personalities that present great leadership qualities. Pretty sure educators can agree we need more leaders in these next generations!"


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